Affiliate Program

Do you have a music related website or large network of people interested in music production? If so, you can make an incredible 50% commission on any RealDrumSamples product sales made by people referred by you.

1. What is an affiliate partner?
Being an affiliate partner for RealDrumSamples simply means that you can get paid for promoting incredible Premium Drum Packages. You get a massive 50% commission on any referrals made by you, that ended up in product sales.
Why do I offer such big commissions? Simple, I feel that for a partnership to be fair it should be equal. I provide the product (plus the marketing system behind the product), you provide the customer. 50-50 collaboration.
2. How does it work?
It's really simple: You sign up as an affiliate in the automated payment system (takes 10 seconds only) and instead of sending people to my site the normal way, you get special links with a user specific code in it. These links will send people to the exact same place as the normal URL ( but will let the system know that those people were referred by you. When those referred people make a purchase, the system recognises it and you get paid half of the product value. Even if they don't buy right away but 30 days later, or much later even, the system still treats these customers as referred by you and you get paid.
3. Great! How do I start?
Send me an email by contacting me and put Affiliate Partner in the subject line and I'll get you started right away. Please make sure to type your email address correctly or my response will never reach you.
Looking forward to working with you.

- Jay